The Texas Trailhead Podcast S2 E5: The San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance & Astral TR1 Mesh Shoe Review

Welcome to another episode of the texas trailhead podcast!

I hope everyone is having a great week.

Just wanted to let you all know that if you’re listening to this on its release day, so may 1st, It’s my birthday!

And I hate to beg, but for my birthday I’d love if you could do something to show your support and if you could share this podcast with someone who you think may enjoy it!  That would be great— and If you listen to me on Apple, leaving a 5-star review would help tremendously-

Ok— This week I don’t have an interview, but I do have some goodies to share with you.  I love goodies, so I hope you do to.  Because I live in central texas I’m in San Marcos quite a bit and they are home to one of my favorite trails systems, the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance.  They’re a non profit group of amazing, hard working individuals that maintain one of my favorite day hike.  There are three total nature parks, but the one I’m talking about on this episode is Purgatory Creek Nature Trail.  I love it so much, and I almost don’t want to tell y’all about it, so if you visit please leave it they way you found it or better, or I’ll come find you and make nasty faces.

In my second segment I’m doing a little follow up review for a pair of shoes I haven’t reviewed before.  I just waited about 4ish months to talk about them because I definitely have a different opinion about them today than I did when I first bought them.

It’s my review of the Astral TR1 Mesh trail runner shoes. I’ll also be featuring the review on an upcoming YouTube video, so if go look for the texas trailhead on YouTube and make sure you like and subscribe.  I’ll leave a link in the description—

So let’s get to it!



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PODCAST Equipment:

Here is all the gear I use to make this podcast

Microphones- Audio Technica ATR-2100 USB

Headphones- Audio Technica ATH-M20x

Tendak USB 3.0 Hub (To power all of the USB devices)

Beelife Pop Filter

NeeWer Professional Mic Stand

Focusright Scarlett 2i2 Audio Interface

By purchasing anything on the gear list I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Those contributions help keep the website, podcast and videos going, so thanks for your support!

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