S3 E3 Dr. Sonia Lucas discusses ways to prepare for a hike

This week on the Texas Trailhead Podcast I’m speaking with Dr. Sonia Lucas on the importance of preparing your body for your next hike.

This week on The Texas Trailhead podcast I’m speaking with Dr. Sonia Lucas PT, DPT. Originally from Oklahoma City, she’s now a physical therapist in Austin, Texas, and her mission is to ‘get more people out and active in nature”. Her love for the outdoors started at an early age, and her passion now transcends to the trails, roads and lakes around Austin.

She is really focused on that relationship between you and nature, and that’s such a huge part of her work. Dr Lucas states in her bio, “When I began my transition into the world of physical therapy, I saw other physical therapists helping people to get out of pain and move better. I was inspired to do the same and do it in a way that celebrated the outdoors and healthy living”.

In our discussion I wanted to know a little bit more on how to prepare for different lengths of hikes, and other activities we can do to get our bodies ready for hitting the trail. She also gave some great tips on footwear, and a few simple exercises to get our bodies warmed up.

Click to learn more about preparing for your next hike, and download a free e-book!

If you’d like to learn more about what she does, give her a visit at her website: Active ATX Rehab & Wellness.

For all of you listeners, she has three FREE e-books available to download. You can learn about proper footwear, 10 tips to tackle pain, and 5 exercises to prepare for any hike. Click the link above to see those as well. Please enjoy this week’s episode.


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