The Texas Trailhead Podcast S2E3

The Texas Trailhead Podcast: A Texas Hiking Podcast S2E3: McKinney Roughs Nature Park & Interview with Owner of O’Wells Adventure Co. : Adam Wells

McKinney Roughs Nature Park & Interview with Owner of O’Wells Adventure Co. : Adam Wells

Welcome to this weeks show! I’m really excited to talk about this episode.  It’s part of the LCRA park system and definitely one of my favorite places to hike. It’s McKinney Roughs nature park which is Just outside of Austin-One of the great things about it is it rests next to the Colorado river. So enjoy this Amazing place to hike with some amazing views of the water. 

 I also get to interview a fellow hiker Adam Wells.  He’s been into the outdoors hiking and fishing from a very young age. Has spent time outdoors in a handful of places around the US and   Him and his wife turned that passion of being outside into an awesome small business.  So stay tuned!


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