Outdoor Gear rentals are a Great Option to Save Money

Outdoor gear rentals are a great way to test out new gear, save money, and save space by not having to store items. Learn how here.

If you’ve ever wanted to take a camping trip or go on a backpacking adventure it can feel daunting to add up all of the gear you may need for this trip, so happy to announce Texas Trailhead is now offering outdoor gear rentals. Check out this rental page for great items.

The price of outdoor gear can seem priced too high and only allows for a small segment of the population to enjoy it. Still, by renting gear you can do two things: try out items to see if you even enjoy the activity, and save some money buying gear you may only use a few times a year.

Example of tent available in car camping package

It was important to create a means for people to get outdoors by offering a selection of outdoor items from the industry’s top brands, including NEMO Equipment, Osprey, LEDLenser, and more.

You can rent gear a la carte to complete your setup, or bundle and save on a full outfit of items for your backpacking or car camping adventure.

How do the outdoor gear rentals work?

Renting gear is as easy as picking out what you need, selecting when you need it by, and enjoying your time in the outdoors.

All orders will ship with a return label, and all you need to do is ship them back within 48 hours of returning from your adventure.

With a small damage deposit, you can ensure you’re not overpaying for a fun weekend getaway or a weeklong backpacking trip. Check out the latest gear available to rent!

All of your purchases from the Texas Trailhead gift shop give back to a variety of local and national organizations good for the outdoors and mental health.


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