I’ve recently started fly fishing, and it’s allllmost taking all of my hiking time. That being said, when I start a new hobby I become, let’s say, a bit obsessed.
This time of the year is all about fishing on the Guadalupe river, or ‘The Guad’, because of the massive trout fish stocking that happens. Trout aren’t really a native Texas fish because it doesn’t really get cold enough in most parts of the state, so the Texas Parks & Wildlife and Trout Unlimited stock various rivers, ponds, lakes, etc., to give anglers in Texas an opportunity to catch some of these yummy fish.
That’s a quick version of the program, but more importantly I wanted to feel like I was part of this timely frenzy. My mom used to live in Canyon Lake, TX, so I was pretty familiar with hiking around the dam there. I also knew there was a nature trail just below that dam that I wanted to hike, but when I planned to hike there with my mom what I didn’t realize is when that time came the weather was going to be really cold and rainy.
I didn’t want to just stay home, and I normally don’t recommend hiking when it’s muddy, but a coworker told me, in regard to fishing, that sometimes the best days to go or when it’s gross because no one else will be there.
Boy was he right.
When I showed up to the Guadalupe South Nature Trail I was literally the only car in the parking lot, and the only one foolish enough to be on the trail. So I had that section of the river all. to. myself. Well, except for the people remodeling the house across from where I was.
So full disclosure: The picture I posted on my Instagram isn’t this one. BUT, it’s a much better one looking back. The nature trail has all of these offset side-trails that lead down to the water. With the water flow a little low on this section there was a whole area of walkable bank from which to fish.
The mist from the outflow, and the drizzle from the rain just created an amazing mood to be in. Something that I’m not good at always recognizing, and even more important when I became frustrated with my fly rod.
It’s always something I have to remember to tell myself: “slow down, close your eyes and listen to what’s around you”.