As the temperatures start to drop around Texas, time on the trails starts to go up. If you join the adidas member program you could save up to 70% off Terrex gear that’s perfect for hiking.
Texas Trailhead is part of the adidas blogger community, so it’s been a blast bringing you the latest information about the Terrex hiking items including the hiking shoes. Still, there are so many items in the collection that can be worn on and off the trails.
What is adidas Terrex?
From the adidas website: adidas Terrex is our line of outdoor adventure gear, spanning boots to jackets to gloves and hats. It’s tactical, protective, and designed for the versatile outdoor athlete. adidas Terrex is built with techs like GORE-TEX and adidas RAIN.RDY to keep you protected in a variety of weather conditions. It’s functional — think pants with zip-off legs and jackets with packable hoods so you can adjust the coverage to your needs. Stay prepared for hiking, trail running, and backcountry adventuring, and be ready to take in those breathtaking views.
Top adidas Terrex picks for the trail:

Terrex Free Hiker 2.0
The Terrex Free Hiker 2.0 has made it almost the full year providing ultimate comfort on the trail. It has a snug feel with the sock liner, but still feels light on your feet. Great blend of ankle support with trail runner performance.

The Xploric Rain.RDY jacket offers ultimate rain protection while on the trail without that plastic bag feeling. Its breathability helps get in the extra miles and not feel humid. It features plenty of pockets, cinched cuffs, and best of all? Recycled materials.

A good day pack to keep your gear protected in the elements. Cinch points and room for your day-hike essentials.
Make sure you sign up for the adiClub to get these great benefits, and start rocking these items in the outdoors at a great price.