Add Texas Audubon Sites to your Hike List

In the Ultimate Hiking Guide for Texas you’ll find a listing of places you can hike around the Lone Star State, but one thing that was made clear this year was there are so many places that weren’t known still. If you’re looking for new adventures on the trail, and in the air, you should add Texas Audubon sites to your hike list.

Texas Audubon has three main Audubon locations: Dogwood Canyon, Mitchell Lake, and Trinity River. These are nationally recognized centers that have the premier educational resources as well as the hiking and wildlife viewing.

Dogwood Canyon Entrance Sign. 2023.

But beyond the national sites, Texas also has many chapter-locations that have amazing trails to discover and will help you appreciate why it’s so important to protect the remaining wild lands Texas has.

Below you’ll find the full list of Texas Audubon Societies. Click on the region around you and find trails that will showcase new parts of town, and maybe you’ll see some amazing wildlife too!

Texas Audubon Societies:

Audubon Dallas

Bastrop County Audubon Society

Bexar Audubon Society

Big Country Audubon Society

Central Texas Audubon Society

Coastal Bend Audubon Society

El Paso Trans Pecos Audubon Society

Fort Worth Audubon Society

Golden Triangle Audubon Society

Houston Audubon Society

Huntsville Audubon Society

Llano Estacado Audubon Society

Monte Mucho Audubon Society

Prairie & Timbers Audubon Society

Rio Brazos Audubon Society

Tex-Ark Audubon Society

Texas Panhandle Audubon Society

Texoma Audubon Society

Travis Audubon Society

Twin Lakes Audubon Society

Tyler Audubon Society

You can see how many other sites just in the Houston Audubon system

Get out and explore

Texas Trailhead is all about getting you inspired to get outdoors, so hopefully you’ll find a new place near you, or motivate you to take a day trip somewhere new. If you are into birding, or know someone who is, check out the new TXTH gift shop, Golden Cheek, for hiking & birding provisions.


TX TH Online

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