Danny Laurel
Owner, Creator of the Texas TrailheadThis website is for anyone who loves the outdoors or is looking for an excuse to go outside and play. I started hiking for my mental health. I wanted to breathe fresh air, get into the outdoors and clear my head. And something fantastic happened: I loved it. Come along on the journey, and I hope by sharing my stories you’ll want to get out there too!
Texas Trailhead mission statement.
As influencers, journalists, or reporters, we have a responsibility to follow specific criteria that allow for inclusivity and respectful sharing or spaces.
This website’s mission is to ensure that there are a variety of different posts that cater to the needs of a variety of outdoor enthusiasts and take care to share locations that are meant for visitation.
TXTH follows these three pillars of social media responsibility:
Include a variety of parks showing more accessible places to spend time outdoors.
Some outdoor influencer accounts continue to only show top traveled places whether they be specific areas of the national park or highly visited places in a specific city. Not everyone has access to those places, can afford to travel to those places, or can afford to pay the entry fees some of those places require. TXTH strives to also show more regional, local parks to encourage people to seek out what’s in their backyard.
Highlight and review all price points of gear, but remind outdoor enthusiasts there are different options to get outdoors.
Some hiking brands make gear that’s really expensive, and some beginners won’t get started because it can be perceived this hobby has a high barrier to entry. Hiking doesn’t have to cost much to get started, but we are responsible for showcasing that.
Share sensitive areas responsibly.
Ensure locations are designed to handle additional traffic before recommending places to visit. Not everything is “for the gram”, and as stewards of the land it is imperative we share the importance of taking great care of the areas we recommend and stress leaving the areas as you found them, but even encouraging to elevate your experience by doing our part to clean up areas and leaving them better than we found them.
Stories from the trail can be heard on The Texas Trailhead podcast. New episodes are available weekly wherever you listen.
See trail hike-a-longs and view product reviews on The Texas Trailhead YouTube channel. Like and Subscribe!
Stay connected and get the latest news about hiking and camping on The Texas Trailhead Facebook page.

Affiliate Disclosure
Some of the links on this site are affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission if you make a purchase through them. This comes at no additional cost to you and helps support our content. We only recommend products we trust and believe will add value to your outdoor adventures.
As an (Amazon Associate/affiliate of other programs), we earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support!
I really appreciate your support, and those commissions help fund hikes, camps, website costs, and more.
Featured In:
Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in:
Trying to decide between Denver and Austin? Whether you’re considering moving to an apartment in Austin, buying a home in Denver, or renting a house in either city, this guide breaks down the cost of living, cultural highlights, and more to help you choose the city that best suits your lifestyle.
Read the full article here: Denver vs Austin: Which city is right for you? Comparing real estate, cost of living, culture, and more | Redfin

Texas Trailhead
Work with us!
The Texas Trailhead is a multi-media company that is meant to encourage people to get out into the outdoors.
If you’re a business looking to reach a broader audience then contact us in the form below for more information on opportunities that may be available.
We can work together and create lasting brand partnerships, user-generated content, sponsored site articles, and more.