2021 First Day Hikes in Texas

First day hikes are a nationwide initiative to get people outside. Learn more about first day hikes in Texas for 2021.

You can’t hike all year if you don’t start one day one, right? First Day Hikes are a national event, but in 2021 the Texas Parks & Wildlife have already announced a few changes.

For starters, the hikes will mostly be self-guided, but that’s just for the special events. You can definitely just get out on the trails and be outside to set off your year on a positive note.

Here is the list of hiking events that TPWD is putting on.

There are a few state parks that will have reservations for some guided hikes, so makes sure you check them out!

The view from Old Baldy at Garner State Park. Photo: D.Laurel

According to the American Hiking Society, ‘First Day Hikes are part of a nationwide initiative led by America’s State Parks to encourage people to get outdoors’.

And even in Texas it’s going to be a bit chilly so make sure you’re dressed in layers, bring a flashlight for the shorter sun, and sunscreen. Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you can’t get sunburned.

If you plan on doing some camping as well check out this post for some great winter camping tips.

Are you participating in the 2021 Texas first day hikes? Where are you heading for some fun first day hiking? Let us know in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “2021 First Day Hikes in Texas

  1. Hiked all 4 trails at Meridian State Park on Jan 1! Just getting into the swing of things and that was a good place to start.

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